

So, what’s our story?

The idea for Vagabond Experiences came from a small group of friends who had a general disdain for the ordinary. The idea was simple: take people out of their comfort zones. Just enough to bond them together through beautiful and authentic experiences. Happiness, as they say, is only real when shared. And share we did.
The company was founded in 2014. As fresh Bachelor of Arts degree holders, companies were lining up to hire us fine gentlemen; we’re kidding. Fueled by being absolutely broke entrepreneurial zeal, we started with small events in the city like heritage walks through Bombay’s old quarters. As musicians and travellers ourselves, we decided to marry these two loves of our lives. That is how the idea for the first Fields of Sound™ came about. Since then, it has only been onwards and upwards for us.


Tours and holidays


Trip Reviews


Countries Covered


Tour Operators

Our Vision

Meaningful Experiences for Everyone, Everywhere.

What are ‘meaningful experiences’?

What is life, if not a book of experiences? As an organization, our mission revolves around infusing significance into the subtleties. While you choose your own adventure, we stand ready to assist you with fun, interesting and innovative ways to experience life.

Who is ‘everyone’?

We embrace a diverse community of individuals — regardless of their caste, gender, sex, or physical capabilities, who enthusiastically embrace the notion of personal growth, continuous learning, and exploring the world through shared experiences. While these may be outside our comfort zones, it is where the magic happens.

Where is ‘everywhere’?

A Vagabond experience can be facilitated in any setting where an Experience Manager enjoys uninterrupted access to your undivided attention.

Our Values


At the core of our company culture lies empathy — extending to our valued customers, dedicated employees, and trusted vendors. Our team is committed to providing personalized care to each customer. Moreover, we foster a work environment that thrives on care, gratitude, and mutual respect.


Vagabond's unwavering commitment lies in crafting both physically and mentally safe spaces. Our ultimate goal is to provide an environment where you can feel secure, enabling you to embrace vulnerability without hesitation.


Each and every day, at Vagabond, we relentlessly endeavour to curate experiences that deliver genuine value to our customers. Every moment is meticulously crafted, driven by a strong belief in enriching life through shared experiences.


Our experiences have always been rooted in the spirit of sharing the love. No matter what their background, we are who we attract. We’re always grateful for the many beautiful people who made the journey worth it, and looking forward to the many who we’re yet to meet.

Stories and essays from the world of Vagabond.


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